Friday 24 October 2008

What's on Fiendish TV?

The restaurant
What the heck is Raymond thinking?! I was twisting in my seat with the other half yesterday when he let the Cheerful Sole through to the final. Whilst the other two couples are not exactly shining examples, these two are ridiculous. She has a perma-smile on her face and absolutely nothing behind her eyes. Also, under criticism she crumbles like a sandcastle at high tide :/ Him? He wasted goodness knows how many starters yesterday whilst plating up for a table of michelin star chefs, because he couldn't get the look right. One question...they had HOURS to prepare so why the fudge didn't he think about the look of his dishes then, rather than leaving the customer waiting even longer?! Hurrumph. His lack of confidence is also disturbing. The two chaps should have been out of the competition weeks ago, but have somehow managed to cling on by the skin of their teeth. We get the feeling Alistair is holding back James, tbh until this week we hadn't really seen Alistair do anything other than moan and not cope. He's really come out of his shell this week. Versus the Cheerful Soul, we hope they win!
Tim. Tim, Tim, Tim, what were you doing?! When your idol says 'in my position would you make me your partner?' you do NOT say 'No!'. It was chinese-chef time all over again, he talked himself out of the final. You could see in Raymond's eyes the disappointment as he watched Tim enter the room, and indeed we reckon he was the favourite before he botched this week's tasks etc. Ah well, Next week is the final, all eyes peeled :)

Heroes (trimmed as Soulfire hasn't seen season 1 yet)
For zen's sake, lose some of the blasted subplots! Not only can they not fit an advancement for every subplot in to any given episode, but all the other ones suffer too. I want to see more of Sylar, Noah, Peter, Claire and Matt (we're all waiting for you to go bad Matt, don't disappoint!). However Hiro is *really* starting to get on my nerves, if he doesn't start to grow up soon i'm going to start choosing to make coffee during his screen time :/ Likewise Suresh's bad-fly-remake leaves me cold at the moment. There's a lot of potential in this series, but it keeps tripping over its own feet. I hope it sorts itself out as this season progresses, as there are some promising storylines appearing.

So (an oldie but a goody!), if you could pick a Heroes ability, what would it be?

Thursday 23 October 2008

Blogspot <> LJ

Ok so I may only have been here 5 minutes, but I'm finding it problematic to use Blogspot, compared to my previous experience with Live Journal. Maybe the GUI isn't intuitive enough, or perhaps I just don't like the 'Fisher Price' feel to it all ;)

I did consider seeing if I could set up some sort of RSS feed so that an LJ might be able to post to this blogger account, but a 5 minute bout of research turned up nothing, and i'm disinclined to look harder right now. I'll stick with it for now, as Soulfire and Harri have set up homes here and it would be rude to up and leave so soon after arriving on their chosen turf.

So, as to what i'm going to make this blog about, that's still somewhat up in the air. I'm thinking keep it light with TV and film info and frothing about fanboy things, rather than have a 'window-in-to-my-soul' type affair. I'll have to find my way around linking between posts and the like to create my 'top 5' lists etc. Right, off home for lunch.